The Western Australian Anglican Schools Association (WAASA) comprises Anglican schools and other related Anglican bodies in Western Australia. WAASA appoints a Standing Committee to address matters referred by the Association, the President and Diocesan Bishops, Synods, Regional Councils and School Councils.
WAASA appoints a Standing Committee which meets once a term. The quorum for a meeting of the Standing Committee will be four members, of whom at least three must be Chairs and/or Principals. Decision-making shall be by a simple majority of those present.
All members, except the Chair of the Standing Committee, the Chair of the Anglican Schools Commission and those employed by the Anglican Schools Commission, will be appointed to serve a two-year term (renewable), commencing at the beginning of a school year and concluding at the end of a school year.
Process of Appointment
The Executive Officer will call for nominations.
The Association will appoint members as follows:
Membership of the Association
Anglican schools in Western Australia are eligible to be members of the Association in one of the membership categories below.
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